Should I change my parting ?

You may have noticed that some female celebrities often change their parting position on their head. Currently. It seems that side parting is back in trend. This gives them a change in styling and appearance to maintain their presence of being first to start a trend.

Could this be beneficial?

Actually, flipping the parting can be good for your hair. If you style your hair in the same way all the time, then certain hair shafts are going to be repeatedly put under the same stresses at the same points resulting in hair breakage. Those hairs next to the parting in the same position, will undergo repeated straightening and repeated heat styling and this can lead to hair breakage.

Also, these areas of the hair shaft will get the same exposure to UV light from the sun which can again lead to oxidative damage. The same parting will also expose the same area on the scalp skin to be exposed to the harmful UV rays.

One should change their hair parting by some millimetres every 2-3 days. By constantly changing the parting position, it gives the hair shafts time to ‘rest’ and recover from trauma resulting in few damage points on the hair shaft subsequently leading to less hair breakage. This change in parting position will also help in covering areas that have low density of hair giving the illusion of fuller front hair line.

However, changing the hair parting position will not affect on how the hair grows.