Are minoxidil tablets better than minoxidil solution for hair loss?

There has been a growing trend over the last 2-3 years of minoxidil being prescribed for treating hair loss. However, minoxidil tablets are not better nor worse than minoxidil solution for the scalp in treating hair loss. It’s another form of treatment.


Minoxidil came to the market for treating high blood pressure and were approved by the FDA in 1979. One of the side effects that patients encountered was increased hair growth and in 1988 it was approved as a topical solution to treat hair loss in men.

Advantages of minoxidil tablets

Minoxidil tablets may be suitable for patients who cannot tolerate topical minoxidil on the scalp due to contact dermatitis. It is important to make sure that the allergic reaction is not to the minoxidil but to the other non-essential ingredients in the topical solution.

The other reason that tablets are prescribed is due to patient preference. Some patients may not like to apply the solution on the scalp twice a day and find in time consuming. They find taking a daily tablet easy.

Disadvantages of minoxidil tablets?

So far, studies show that topical versions of minoxidil solution applied twice a day at the appropriate strength have better hair growth results compared to minoxidil tablets.

The risk of side effects from minoxidil are much greater than using minoxidil solution. Some of these are: palpitations, swelling of feet, swelling under the eyes, lightheadedness, increase in body hair and headaches.

Unlike the tablets, minoxidil solution can be formulated with additional elements to enhance the hair growing effect.

The hair growth with minoxidil tablets is not superior to minoxidil solution.

May not be suitable for certain age groups and patients with certain medical conditions like those affecting the heart.

Minoxidil tablets aren’t licensed to treat hair loss.

What to look out for

In order to get the best outcomes of treating your hair loss, it is important that you have a professional specialist diagnose the type of hair loss condition. It is extremely essential to ensure your medical condition and the medication you take are taken into consideration before minoxidil tablets are prescribed for you.

The dose of minoxidil tablets for treating alopecia need to be evidence based. Getting it online, from a pharmacy may not be the best option as they may not have your medical history, haven’t diagnosed your for the type of hair loss (and whether it is suitable) and may not be aware of the correct dose of minoxidil tablets that is appropriate for hair loss.

Another important factor is regular monitoring of your hair loss treatment, its side effects and whether it is working or not.